INTO Usage Report & Agent Leaderboard

INTO Usage Report: Broad Overview of INTO Adoption

In our ongoing commitment to providing insightful analytics that can help you better understand and use INTO, we are pleased to introduce the new INTO Usage Report. This report offers account owners and team leaders a wide-angle view of how INTO is being integrated and utilized within your organization. 

Key Metrics at a Glance

The INTO Usage Report includes a range of key metrics designed to help you track the adoption and impact of INTO in your workflows. These metrics include:

  • Daily adoption rates
  • The total number of messages generated using INTO
  • A comparison between messages sent with and without INTO daily
  • Overall user engagement levels

Understanding these metrics is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of INTO usage. The report helps you identify areas where INTO is underutilized, so you can develop strategies to increase adoption and maximize the benefits of the platform.

Agent Leaderboard: Detailed Insights INTO Agent-Level Performance

As part of our expanded suite of analytics tools, the Agent Leaderboard provides detailed insights into individual agent performance and the broader impact of INTO within your team. This report focuses on several critical metrics, including:

  • The number of messages each agent has sent using INTO
  • The total number of messages sent by each agent
  • Average response times for each agent

With this information, managers can quickly recognize high performers who are using INTO effectively for faster and more efficient communications. It also helps identify agents who might need additional training or support to better integrate INTO into their daily workflows.

Accessing the Reports

To access these reports, sign in to your customer portal and navigate to the “Reporting” section. There, you will find the INTO Usage Report and Agent Leaderboard, along with other valuable analytics to help you monitor and improve your team’s performance.

We are excited to see how the INTO Usage Report and Agent Leaderboard can help you optimize your use of INTO and improve communication within your team. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and insights necessary to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness.