What’s New: Feature announcement

Making Summarize Faster by adding Streaming animation

We’re thrilled to announce an exciting enhancement to our Summarize feature: streaming animation. With this update, we’ve integrated a streaming animation to enhance the speed and efficiency of Summarize, ensuring that concise bullet point summaries are generated and displayed instantly.

Here’s how it works: When you initiate the Summarize feature, a streaming animation accompanies the process of generating the summary. This animation visually signifies that the summarize process is underway. Once complete, the concise bullet point summary is fully displayed, saving you valuable time previously spent waiting for an answer.

We’re committed to continuously improving our platform to better meet your needs. If you have any feedback or suggestions regarding our Summarize feature or any other aspect of our platform, we’d love to hear from you. Your input helps us enhance our platform and provide you with the tools you need to succeed.