What’s New: Feature announcement

First Inquiry

First Inquiry Response Template

Here at INTO, we’re always dedicated to improving our platform to better meet the needs of our users. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our latest feature: the First Inquiry Response Template.

After closely listening to your feedback and analyzing usage patterns, we identified a common challenge faced by many of our users: the time-consuming process of responding to initial inquiries from guests. Recognizing the need for a solution that would streamline this workflow while maintaining a brand touch, we developed the First Inquiry Response Template feature.

So, what exactly does this feature do? In a nutshell, it allows you to create customized templates for responding to the first inquiry from a guest. When certain conditions are met, such as it is the guest’s first message and the conversation status in Guesty being “Inquiry,” our system can automatically apply your saved reply.

Here are some key benefits of the First Inquiry Response Template feature:

Efficiency: Say goodbye to repetitive typing and manual response efforts. With this feature, you can predefine your message template for first inquiry and let our system handle the rest. This automation ensures that guests receive prompt and consistent responses, regardless of the time of day or workload.

Personalization: While automation is key, we understand the importance of maintaining a brand touch in your communication. That’s why our feature allows you to customize your saved replies to reflect your unique brand voice and set the tone with the guest from initial communication.

In conclusion, the First Inquiry Response Template feature is a valuable addition to INTO that reflects our ongoing commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. We believe that this feature will empower hosts and property managers to streamline their operations, improve their guest communication, and ultimately, achieve greater success in the competitive hospitality industry.

Ready to try out the First Inquiry Response Template feature? Contact Dan [email protected] to learn more and get started today!